Celebrating 35th Anniversary in Martial Arts

I began martial arts in October 1981. To celebrate my 35 years in martial arts, on the 1st class of October I gave all my students in attendance their money back and announced they will train for free the entire month. A way of saying thanks to everyone for the years of support and dedication. 

* * In this video I list many of my esteemed teachers Charles Wixson, Teruo Hayashi, Michael Cain, Marsha McKenzie, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Ferguson, Linda Marquardt, Teruo Chinen, Kenzo Mabuni, Mark Glaser, Jeremy Corbell,Michael Frison, Steve Lang, James Ferguson, Chris Petrilli, Frank Shamrock, Paul Vunak, Tony Blauer, -above all, Tom Weissmuller! 

* * * I forgot in the video to mention Bob Anderson. He let me train for the summer at his school in Ferndale over a decade ago and was so cool and generous -and tough as nails.

–Rob Eis


My doctor told me I need to lose weight or I was on the fast track to Diabetes. Knowing my habits and family health history I knew that was true. I went to UMAwith a goal of two classes a week on the first month. That was it. I’m on my 3rd month and I have lost 15 lbs. The incentive to make back $5 a week from the dues just by coming twice a week did keep me motivated. That’s when I realized that I can fit two classes a week in my schedule. Let’s face it, everyone now needs gas money. With that goal accomplished, I noticed after my 2nd month in UMA a bonus improvement that I didn’t take account of in the beginning. My stress levels have lowered and my stamina has increased. What can I say about the classes that you haven’t already read in the other reviews…no ranks, no rituals, a well-rounded Martial Arts program, patient, motivated instructor, great class environment. I am 40 years old and I am able to touch my toes without bending my knees for the first time in years. My back feels great after losing all that weight and gaining a better shape. My hand-eye coordination improved with the bag drills. My reflexes are more attuned from the live grappling and Escrima stick training. I am studying a skill set that will improve my confidence, reduce my stress and keep me active. There are also supplemental classes on Saturdays for strength training. Let’s face it, finding time for physical activities on anybody’s schedule is sparse and consuming. I have an hour and a half commute to work 6 days a week and my day starts at 3 in the morning. Work takes a toll on your mind and your body. I needed to take back control of my physical and mental health or my doctor’s prediction would come true. I use to be an XXL now I am working on that L shirt.
Goals change and then I realized it’s a lifestyle. Looking forward to the next class.

~ Jayson Nazareno, maker of planes, Boeing, Everett, WA

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