Combat Conditioning

Martial artists know conditioning is key.

For that reason, UMA offers total body workouts that complement combat conditioning.

$50 per person for a minimum of 4 people.

Classes range from 60 mins to 90 mins. Unbridled Martial Arts has TRX suspension trainers and more than 40 kettlebells from 4 lbs to 70 lbs available for use.

In this class, we primarily make use of weight training and body-weight exercises with the aid of kettlebells and suspension ropes. With kettlebells and suspension ropes we are able to challenge the novice exerciser right next to the trained athlete without missing a beat!

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The kettlebell is a cast iron weight that resembles a cannonball with a handle. With dynamic, total body movements Kettlebells challenge both the muscular and cardiovascular system. Their use builds functional strength, stamina, flexibility, and can actually rehabilitate old injuries. The kettlebell is a fun, unique, portable piece of exercise equipment that anyone can use to get in shape—and its versatility is bar none!

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TRX Suspension Trainer

The TRX Suspension Trainer consists of lightweight straps with handles at the end. Through precision movement it trains multiple muscles at once, in multiple planes of motion, with the ability to modify all exercises with ease. It does this by harnessing your own body weight to create resistance as you train. Suspension training tightens your core, strengthens and lengthens your muscles, and increases your balance, stability and flexibility for an all-in-one, incredible workout. One of its best qualities is that it’s suitable for all fitness levels.

Our TRX Suspension Training sessions are packed with exercises you already know, but the workout is enhanced by supporting either the hands or feet by a single anchor point while the opposite end of the body is in contact with the ground. You have the ability to make each exercise easier or harder simply by changing the angle of your body or changing how much of your body is supported by the ground.

Our workouts are unlike the exercise fads you may have experienced at commercial gyms. We give the ultimate in functional training whether you are training for a fight or just training to get out of bed on time for work every day.

Regardless of whether you come train with us, do your body a favor and learn only from certified Kettlebell & certified TRX instructors.

In Summer 2008 UMA instructor Rob Eis earned his CrossFit Kettlebell Instructor certification from Jeff Martone, one of the first certified senior Kettlebell instructors in the U.S.


TACTICAL certified instructor directory

In 2009 Rob began his education in suspension training and incorporated it into classes in 2010. In 2011 Rob Eis completed an intensive TRX Trainer course and is now a certified instructor for the TRX suspension trainer.

TRX certified trainer directory

Curious to see what a Kettlebell & TRX workout at Unbridled Martial Arts is like from start to finish? Now you can watch one of our sessions in under 5 minutes.
Click on the video above to see a Saturday morning session recorded on June 29, 2013.

Reserve your spot in the Saturday morning class:

Registration for this week's class is now closed. Please submit your reservation before 6:00pm on the Friday before each class you wish to attend.


The fact that the instructor does not ritualize the program with traditions was a factor in my trying the class. I respect the teacher’s unbelievable desire to share his skill and knowledge for reasons other than any notable financial gain. I have always wanted to learn some type of martial arts but I never pursued it for one reason or anther. With Rob’s class there are no excuses. To say it’s affordable is an understatement. The environment is structured yet very casual. But what impressed me most is how unintimidating the whole experience is & how much Rob gives of himself to the class. After a couple classes, the biggest surprise was how little focus I had when it came to using the brain and body at the same time. I have attended the class for one month now and I can see a definite improvement. The class emphasizes what would be the most logical and effective action in a self-defense scenario. After attending for one month I can think of nothing negative to say about the whole experience. I look forward to every session and (surprisingly) leave class feeling more energized than when I arrived. The class offers a chance for you to try martial arts (self-defense) with little commitment… it sounds too good to be true, HOWEVER this guy (class) is for real.

~ Derek Siemens, Student

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