

EscrimaDSC00416 focusmittworkDSC00276 Introbox introkick white

introselfdefense Muay Thai Blue SSFSeminar SSFSeminar2

How do I get started?

Reserve time via phone call or email.  Once payment is received you will be sent an information packet with directions and confirmation that your time is booked.
Here is how to book your appointment:  <click here>

How do beginners learn when they first start in a group session?

Instruction always grants the opportunity for a student to advance his/her participation incrementally.

Students are safely and gradually guided through movements to develop proper form while progressively increasing the quality and quantity of their output.

Lessons are introduced at a beginner’s level, while intermediate and advanced students receive additional steps and challenges. Students learn at an individual pace and at whatever level is comfortable.

How do I buy equipment?

We provide all the necessary training equipment for class: Thai pads, focus mitts, kickboxing gloves & shin guards, jump ropes, dull safety-training knives, foam sticks, rattan escrima sticks, protective eyewear, and takedown mats. For personal use we sell Boxing Handwraps ($10) & Mouthguards ($5) for our members.

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

Will Rogers

Being a single mom I don’t have a lot of extra money. This class is not only affordable, it’s teaching me self-defense while having a fun workout with a great bunch of people. I found that even though we are all at different skill levels Rob and the other students are all very patient and encouraging. This is a “me” time that I really enjoy. Thank you Unbridled.

~ Carie Nelson/Customer Service Rep

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