Celebrating 35th Anniversary in Martial Arts

I began martial arts in October 1981. To celebrate my 35 years in martial arts, on the 1st class of October I gave all my students in attendance their money back and announced they will train for free the entire month. A way of saying thanks to everyone for the years of support and dedication. 

* * In this video I list many of my esteemed teachers Charles Wixson, Teruo Hayashi, Michael Cain, Marsha McKenzie, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Ferguson, Linda Marquardt, Teruo Chinen, Kenzo Mabuni, Mark Glaser, Jeremy Corbell,Michael Frison, Steve Lang, James Ferguson, Chris Petrilli, Frank Shamrock, Paul Vunak, Tony Blauer, -above all, Tom Weissmuller! 

* * * I forgot in the video to mention Bob Anderson. He let me train for the summer at his school in Ferndale over a decade ago and was so cool and generous -and tough as nails.

–Rob Eis


The fact that the instructor does not ritualize the program with traditions was a factor in my trying the class. I respect the teacher’s unbelievable desire to share his skill and knowledge for reasons other than any notable financial gain. I have always wanted to learn some type of martial arts but I never pursued it for one reason or anther. With Rob’s class there are no excuses. To say it’s affordable is an understatement. The environment is structured yet very casual. But what impressed me most is how unintimidating the whole experience is & how much Rob gives of himself to the class. After a couple classes, the biggest surprise was how little focus I had when it came to using the brain and body at the same time. I have attended the class for one month now and I can see a definite improvement. The class emphasizes what would be the most logical and effective action in a self-defense scenario. After attending for one month I can think of nothing negative to say about the whole experience. I look forward to every session and (surprisingly) leave class feeling more energized than when I arrived. The class offers a chance for you to try martial arts (self-defense) with little commitment… it sounds too good to be true, HOWEVER this guy (class) is for real.

~ Derek Siemens, Student

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