Love obstacle races in WA?

Do you have friends that love relay or obstacle races in Washington such as Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, or Warrior Dash? Many people do for the physical challenge, sense of camaraderie with a team, or for that sense of accomplishment at the finish.

Do you ever wonder how much energy is expended at these events –when at the end of the day there is nothing left behind to show for it? Depending on how many months in advance someone registers and how many are on a team, these obstacle races cost participants between $65-$220.
Any of those friends and their team can reap those same rewards *for free* and help out someone that can’t afford those types of recreational events, let alone a gym membership to train for them.

Try suggesting the idea that they could spend a mere 7 hours on a Saturday volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. They’ll use their bodies, experience camaraderie, feel accomplished, and they’ll permanently lift a family out of poor living conditions.
I’ve done it before and it was a good workout.

Build locations are available on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. No experience required, all tools and materials are provided, and volunteers receive direction, support, training and supervision.

Info is here:


I have been training at UMA for about four months now and it has become very important part of my weekly routine. The first thing that struck me about UMA is the low cost. Being a college student I am unable to afford the high prices and contracts that are required at other schools. At thirty dollars a month there is not much to lose when you enroll in the class. When I began attending UMA I found that the program and the instruction far exceeded my expectations. Rob is a very competent instructor in everything he teaches his students. Rob is proficient in boxing, kickboxing, grappling as well as stick and knife fighting. After the short time I have trained at UMA I have found myself stronger, quicker, more flexible and more self-confident. My technique in the arts taught at UMA has greatly improved as well.
Rob has designed a program that uses the most effective techniques in a very pragmatically structured atmosphere. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who would like to increase their self defense abilities or if you would just like to get a good workout that is also fun, rather than the monotony of running on a treadmill. The only thing I would like to see happen is an increase in class time; I would gladly pay more money to train at UMA for additional days or hours.

~ Kyle Koger, WWU Student

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