Rob Eis earned his CrossFit kettlebell instructor’s certification directly from Jeff Martone in 2008 when he visited the Suquamish tribal police department for a two day in-depth instructor’s course.
Martone is the first to implement kettlebell and tactical strength training into a federal law enforcement academy. He has also served for over 15 years as a full-time defensive tactics, firearms, and special response team instructor for the Nuclear National Security Administration.
Jeff Martone is the founder of Tactical Athlete Training Systems, Inc.
TACTICAL certified instructor directory
I’ve seen lots of Youtube videos of people doing the Turkish Get-up from standing-to-ground with their propped arm back behind them. That’s how I did it when i first learned. For better alignment try the version demonstrated in the video above.
Full credit goes to Jeff Martone for showing me this alteration to the TGU.
Visit the UMA Combat Conditioning page to see how you can study with Rob and experience kettlebell training for yourself.