Rob Eis is a TRX Certified Personal Trainer

UMA instructor Rob Eis earned his certification at a TRX trainers’ course in Seattle on October 2, 2011.

Rob harnessed the full potential of the Suspension Trainer, studying over 70 TRX exercises, modifications, progressions, as well as all the benefits and target muscles of each exercise.

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Visit the UMA Combat Conditioning page to see how you can study with Rob and experience the TRX suspension trainer for yourself. Learn how this piece of fitness equipment is used to leverage your body weight and gravity to simultaneously develop incredible strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability.

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TRX certified trainer directory


This is the best, most realistic as well as safest training I’ve ever received in a civilian class. I’ve attended 6 different martial arts classes as a civilian and sat in on dozens of other classes and this is the most realistic training I’ve received outside of the military. It teaches almost all of the same skills as military combatives while being geared toward civilians. It is a very well organized class which teaches a good blend of hand to hand, grappling, and weapons fighting realistically. Because of this I was able to improve on all of the skills I learned while being deployed in Europe for a year. The real tragedy of the class is that so few people seem to realize how great it is.

~ Spc. Patrick Walsh, US Army National Guard

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