Rob Eis is a TRX Certified Personal Trainer

UMA instructor Rob Eis earned his certification at a TRX trainers’ course in Seattle on October 2, 2011.

Rob harnessed the full potential of the Suspension Trainer, studying over 70 TRX exercises, modifications, progressions, as well as all the benefits and target muscles of each exercise.

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Visit the UMA Combat Conditioning page to see how you can study with Rob and experience the TRX suspension trainer for yourself. Learn how this piece of fitness equipment is used to leverage your body weight and gravity to simultaneously develop incredible strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability.

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TRX certified trainer directory


I had taken a basic self-defense class a few years before coming to Unbridled, and had always wanted to learn more. My friend wanted to try it too so we started training together, which was great because we could partner together for drills and be at the same knowledge level.
I am a very visual learner, and Rob’s teaching style works very well for me. At the start of each training there is some cardio and strength warm-up, which can be challenging, but you can always go at your own pace until you adjust to the routine. Rob explains new skills to the group and then often demonstrates them before having students try them out. Each lesson builds logically on past material. As a new student you get a lot of one-on-one teaching to help you master the basics first before you get thrown into drills.
The atmosphere at Unbridled is serious, but more casual and fun than the regimented environment at traditional martial arts studios might be. Rob is always happy to answer questions that come up during training or help if you can’t quite get a skill, as are students who have been around for a while. I joined wanting to build the skills to defend myself and those around me (I swear by being prepared for anything!) and in just a couple of months I felt much closer to that goal. Training is physically challenging and will make you stronger and more fit as well. Unbridled Martial Arts is an AMAZING value, if you’re on the fence about trying it, do it!

~ Hanifah McGovern, Executive Assistant

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