The Volunteer Center of Whatcom County recently presented me with their “Volunteers with Heart” award.
August 2014 marks the 11th year anniversary of my non-profit, volunteer work with the Max Higbee Recreation Center.
The following photos are of me teaching my adaptive martial arts program for developmentally disabled adults in Whatcom County.
(Photos courtesy of Malinda Warder of WarderPhoto)
The non-profit organization was founded in honor of Western Washington University alum Max Higbee, who began his career at WWU in 1962 as an associate professor of education and eventually served as head of the special education program, later retiring in 1987.
- Rob Eis
Unbridled Martial Arts
Fact: Of the 34% of Washington State residents who do volunteer work their contributions amount to 200 million hours spent each year, valued at almost $5 billion in our state economy. (citation)