UMA Workout/Cookout (June 2013)


Time: Sunday, June 30th, 2013 · 12:30pm – 3:30pm

Location: outside the Unbridled Martial Arts studio

Info: Come burn some calories and then put some right back on!
This Sunday bring friends and family and your favorite food to throw on the grill.
We will do an outdoor weightlifting and MMA circuit for 45 minutes and then eat, drink, and celebrate the weekend!





















15 stations for three minutes each
Sledgehammers, Kettlebells, Weight clubs & Free weights
Tractor tires, Dips & Pull-ups station
Escrima sticks, Hanging & Stationary Punching Bags, Speedbag
Machines: Butterfly, Bench Press, Squat, Lat Pull-down, Low Row, Seated Incline Abdominal, Leg Extension, Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises, Tricep Rope Push-down; and more…


Workout starts at 1pm. Eating by 2pm. Outdoor games until 3pm.


I trained at UMA on and off for several months and really enjoyed the experience. Previously I studied Shotokan karate for ten years in New Orleans and Muay Thai Kickboxing at another Bellingham school for a few months. I really appreciated Rob’s level of knowledge, training, and technical skill, and the way that he seamlessly combines traditional concepts and techniques with newer and less universal techniques. His classes are well-structured and I appreciated knowing how each class would proceed every evening – starting off with intensive conditioning and ending with the application and practice of core martial arts concepts. So in each class I was able to strengthen and condition my body, as well as practice sparring, working on combos, take-downs, etc. The instructor’s many years of experience are evident – he draws from his diversified and extensive experience regularly, exposing students to a wide range of information, resources, and making evident his impressive skill level.
The facilities are extremely clean, a rare thing in MMA gyms and martial arts schools. Everything has its place and is very organized. I was very impressed with the extensive array of equipment that is made available for the students to use.
While the classes are very structured, the environment is laid-back and casual; all are welcome to come and train and you aren’t made to feel inadequate. In fact, Rob customizes the classes to individual ability and levels of training. So while one group of more experienced students is performing a specific exercise, a newer group with less experience can still participate at a modified level.
The cost is unbeatable and only further serves to show the dedication of the instructor; he is doing this solely for his love of martial arts, not for the money. Having worked out at another local MMA gym where I was scammed out of more than $1,000, I really appreciate this about UMA.

~ Lindsay Hilton, freelance writer

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