What Gear Do You Need to get Started at UMA?


To begin at UMA you need to have hand protection — either 16 or 20 ounce boxing gloves or inexpensive cloth hand wraps. When sparring and grappling, males must use a groin protector! To free-spar: mouth guard.The rest of the gear is optional if you want to participate in the weapons class and/or advanced sparring. To stick-spar in the weapons class: one 28″ ActionFlex safety stick, headgear w/ face guard, hockey or lacrosse style gloves. For higher levels of sparring: both partners need to own heavy-duty shin guards & headgear.

The rest of the gear is optional if you want to participate in the weapons class and/or advanced sparring. To stick-spar in the weapons class: one 28″ ActionFlex safety stick, headgear w/ face guard, hockey or lacrosse style gloves. For higher levels of sparring: both partners need to own heavy-duty shin guards & headgear.


In 2006 I discovered the UFC and my passion for MMA. I decided that lifting weights and jogging were too boring and not for me so I joined a commercial Muay Thai gym. I was quickly disappointed with the school and with my membership. Not only did it cost me a lot of money every month, I had to sign a ridiculous contract. The classes were very slow-paced with lots of practicing in front of a mirror and bowing to everyone. Then I heard about Unbridled Martial Arts‘ low price, no contracts, no belts, no kids. It was a no-brainer that I had to start training with Rob at UMA. I was amazed at how well Rob’s classes were structured and utilized every minute. I learned practical techniques and even had a chance to do some light sparring in my first week. I was instantly hooked. Rob has taught so much throughout the years and continues to teach me new techniques and ways to improve upon old techniques each class. I have so much respect and appreciation for all Rob has done for me, his students and our community.

~ Randy Newton, construction

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