The “One Minute Drill” with Thai Pads: Sixty Seconds of Survival!

The infamous 1-minute drill routinely practiced at Unbridled Martial Arts. Sixty seconds of Survival!!  As explained in the video, the essentials of this drill are to: 1.) constantly feel & apply pressure, 2.) occupy the center-line, 3.) weather the storm, 4.) get that opponent back-pedaling (primary objective).

I call out which techniques to fire within the range of kicking, punching, and close quarters, plus make students practice defensive covering until the split-second opportunity arises for them to return fire & counter.  (Punching, Elbows, Knees, Thai Kick, and Cover!!)


I love the martial arts. I previously trained at two different schools in the area, learning various styles and traditions. However, the cost and contracts of both of those other schools eventually became a burden that I did not want to bear. So I resigned myself to the thought that I would not get to pursue my love for martial arts until I became rich … that is, until I discovered Unbridled Martial Arts. Initially I was attracted to Unbridled mainly because of the low cost and lack of contract. However, from my initial class with Rob Eis and thereafter, I found several other things about Unbridled that I greatly appreciated. First of all, Rob is a talented martial artist himself and displays strong abilities with a humble attitude. He is also a good communicator and is able to guide his students well on the path to becoming better martial artists themselves. The class setting is informal and friendly. I get a great workout and learn something new every time I go. There are no stuffy uniforms or traditions to worry about (and if you’re into martial arts merely to claim that black belt, you’re in it for the wrong reasons). Rob presents techniques from a variety of martial arts, a nice change from the attitude in many schools that their form is the best — not to mention that it makes classes interesting because you never know quite what to expect next. In short, I would recommend Unbridled Martial Arts to anyone who wants to learn self-defense, get a good workout, meet friendly people, and not cut deeply into their budget to do so!

~ Paul Peterson, Graphic Designer

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